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Coco/R Custom Tool for SharpDevelop

This SharpDevelop AddIn is a Custom Tool that runs the Coco/R parser generator for C#. After installing the AddIn, you will find a new file template in the C# category.

This template creates three files: Parser.atg, Parser.frame and Scanner.frame. Whenever you change Parser.atg inside SharpDevelop or run right-click > Run Custom Tool on it, Coco/R will be run on it using the two frame files and generate Parser.cs and Scanner.cs.
Coco/R errors and warnings will be displayed in the "Output" pad.

For information on Coco/R, see the help file that is installed by the AddIn into the Help > Coco/R Help menu.

You can get CocoAddIn here: (Last Update: July 21, 2012, 5:50 pm)
AddIn for SharpDevelop 4.x
Source Code

AddIn for SharpDevelop 3.0 to 3.2 (old Version)

To install the AddIn, double-click the .sdaddin file to open it in SharpDevelop's AddIn Manager, or open the AddIn Manager and click "Install AddIn" there. Coco/R is included in the installation.

Note: the included Coco/R if not the official version, but a fork containing changes from Mark Olesen and me.